News and Events
Meet us at:
The 1st International Conference on Construction Materials for Sustainable Future (CoMS 2017) in Zadar (Croatia) from the 19th to the 21st of April 2017 (
The Future of Cement, 200 years after Louis Vicat, International Scientific Symposium 6-8 June 2017, UNESCO Paris (
6th International Conference, Non-Traditional Cement & Concrete, June 19–22, 2017, Brno, Czech Republic
LCTPi 7, Brussels 19-20 June 2017: Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative
38th Cement and concrete Science conference , Coventry (UK) 10 th & 11 th September 2018.
International VDZ Congress 2018 in Düsseldorf (26 to 28 of September 2018)
2nd Global FutureCem Conference in Brussels in May 2019
- ILCCC 2019, Innovation Low carbon cement and concrete technology, London 24-26 June 2019 ,
- CO2STO workshop, CO2 Storage, Paris 24-26 June 2019
- ICCC2019, 15th International Cement and Concrete Conference, Prague 16-20 September 2019
Visit of EU Life and Neemo representants at UK precaster
The 31st of Januray 2018 and the 1st February 2018, EU Life representant accompanied by a Neemo representant visited one of the main achievements of Solid Life project: the first industrial curing chamber pilot installed in Europe at a precaster site.
After a day of meeting showing the advancements of the project at BRE offices, the whole group visited BRE labs and the day after the industrial pilot at the UK precaster site.
The feedback was positive, even though the momentum of the project has to be kept to fulfill all the work packages proposed. A potential project delay was discussed and will be defined during the next steering committee of the project end of March 2018.
GCCA (Global Cement and Concrete Association) & BIBM (European Federation for Precast Concrete) visited Solid Life project in Lyon
In January 2019, Claude Lorea from GCCA and Alessio Rimoldi from BIBM done Solid Life project honour to be present in a consortium meeting to assess the main results obtained and provide their feedbacks and advices for the technology implementation.
Both of them were happy to know more about the technology and to see the positive evolution of the project.